Facial muscles

 Maybe you never thought of it as a muscular, but you face a lot of muscles. Check the next time you look in the mirror. 

The facial muscles do not join directly to the bone as in the rest of the body. Instead, many of these muscles come together under the skin. This allows you to enter the facial muscles can make many different expressions with your face. Even the slightest movement can transform a smile in an expression of concern, for example, frunciendo the entrecejo. Or you can lift the eyebrows and wrinkle your nose in a gesture of surprise. 

And when you look at his face, do not forget the tongue - a muscle that is subject to only one end! In fact, the language is formed by a group of muscles that work together so that you can talk and chew what you eat. Put your tongue and move it from side to side to see these muscles in action.

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