Muscle cell (myocyte, muscle fiber) anatomy:
Sarcoplasmic reticulum: specialized area of the endoplasmic reticulum
Surrounds the myofibrils like a web
At each end, forms bag-like structure “terminal cisternae”
Area where calcium (Ca2+) is stored
Transverse tubules: tube formation of the sarcolemma
Tubes run from the external surface straight through the muscle cell
Transverse tubules and terminal cisternae form a “triad” structure (many of these along the length of the muscle cell)

burn the fat feed the muscle

Muscle contraction video

muscle contraction video...

Muscle Physiology video

Muscle Physiology This video was made in Dr. O's A&P1 class. Make sure you answer & review the questions at the end of the video, and also the following question:

What are the functions and structure of skeletal, smooth & cardiac muscle?