3-D Biomechanical Motion Analysis video from youtube
Muscle Driven video
A Three-Dimensional Muscle-Driven Simulation of Running from youtube. This is the first three-dimensional, muscle-driven simulation of a full running gait cycle. Muscle are represented by lines, which change from blue to red as the muscle activates.
sympatric speciation
Original population occupies a homogenous habitat. Climate change and other factors form two distinctly different habitats that are still physically part of the same general region. There are no barriers to movement between habitat.Different environment in the two habitat lead to genetic divergence of organisms living in each. biology
allopatric speciation
allopatric speciation in which two populations are geographically seperated from one another. Sympatric speciation in which two populations share the same geographical area. biology
isolation from gene flow is the key to both allopatric speciation and sympatric speaciation. Allopatric speciation can occur in population that are physically separeted. Sympatric speciation can occur in populations that live in the same area.
species and speciation
Biologist define species as groups of actually or potentially interbreding natural populations which are reproductively isolated from other such groups. This definition known as the biological species concept.
how do new species form: speciation depends on two factors: the isolation and the genetic divergence of the population. Isolation of populations and genetic divergence.
genetic drift
Genetic drift is one of the major mechanism of evolutionary change and has significant implications for human interactions. Different form of the same gene are known as alleles. A population is all the individuals of a species living in a particular place at a particular time. the relative proportion of an allele in a population is the allele frequently. The sum of all genes in a population is the gene pool. Hardly weinberg equilibrium is the maintained of a population is not evolving. The alleles responsible for blue color has ben lost, such loss of alleles is usually consequence of genetic bottleneck. Population bottleneck can cause all of the following except: changes in allele frequency. Loss of alleles. Reduction in genetic variability. Bottleneck happens to small population. The effects on evolution change are random. There is a loss of genetic variation after a bottleneck in our example. The allele for blue coloration was lost.